
i_mBODY Lab

Interactive Multisensory Body-centred Experiences
at the Intersection of Neuroscience & Technology


What's new?

We are hiring! PhD Position

We are hiring!
PhD Position: Study of Sensory and Body Perception in Depressive Disorders using Wearable Technology and Machine Learning within the project “SENSEBEAT-DS: Sensory and Body Perception Evaluation in Depressive Symptomatology.”

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Joakinator demo in NIME 2023

Joakinator: An Interface for Transforming Body Movement and Perception through Machine Learning and Sonification of Muscle-Tone and Force will be present in the Demo Sessions

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The AAAC Seminar Series 2022-2023

Ana Tajadura-Jiménez presented The Hearing Body: Sound-driven Body Transformation Experiences Applications for Emotional and Physical Health in the The AAAC Seminar Series 2022-2023. The Association

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