

BRnet2023 – The interactive body: Multisensory and embodied signatures of bodies interacting in the world


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Negative body perceptions are linked to physical inactivity, which is a significant health concern. Recently we reported a new approach, using metaphorical movement sonification (real-time auditory feedback of body movement), which exploits bottom-up multisensory mechanisms related to body perceptions to ultimately support physical activity (PA). This study aims to examine the impact of movement sonifications on body perception and PA in everyday contexts, while also exploring the evolution of these effects and the potential maintenance of PA adherence over time through repeated exposure. We conducted a 4-week home study with physically inactive participants who were asked to perform squat and back bend stretching exercises using SoniBand, a wearable device that sonifies movements. Participants performed these exercises with two different metaphorical sonification (Wind and Water sounds) and with no sonification (2 weeks for each condition). We collected self-reports of body perception and emotional feelings using questionnaires and contextual body maps in a diary, and behavioral movement data from SoniBand’s sensors. Further, measures of changes in tight width and force, and back flexibility, and qualitative data from interviews with participants were collected weekly. We aim to discuss the key elements of the study, including the participant selection, data collection tools, and measurements, as well as the study findings. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the effects of movement sonification on body perception, PA levels and adherence in physically inactive adults, and its potential to modify mental body representation in the long term and in real contexts of use.