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Date: 2024-11-20, 14:00h-15:00h UTC+2 (CEST)
Speaker: Ricardo Iglesias García, Fine Arts Faculty, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Title: The robot: past, present and future. From the automaton machines to science fiction
Journey through the imaginary of the robot, from its first babblings as a servant of the gods, to its mechanical dazzling in the new technologies of the XXII century and its future conversion into “being”, into an independent entity of its own, in what science calls the ‘singularity’, glimpsing the predictions of science fiction and attending to the promises of science. “Today’s robots have been largely predetermined by their literary ancestors.” (You robot. Antropologia della vita artificiale. Riccardo Notte, 2005).
Degree in Philosophy and Arts (UAM), PhD Cum Laude in Fine Arts (UB). European rank and Extraordinary Doctorate Award 2011-2012, Master in Video Game Design and Development (UCM). Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts. UCM. III New Media Art MADATAC Essay Award (2015) publication: Art and robotics: technology as aesthetic experimentation.
Working concepts: Interaction understood as open systems of action in public spaces, Communication as experimentation of new forms of aesthetic language, and Control as an agglutinating concept of registration behaviors in today’s societies.
Exhibitions (selection): Utopian Towers. Shared Spaces (Madrid 2023) Origens. ISEA2022 (Barcelona 2022) Academia Fachada (Zaragoza 2022) Glitches y modificaciones de la realidad (Madrid 2021) (Al)most life, after all (Barcelona 2019) Estéticas Expandidas (Colombia 2019) El origen de la Magia (Madrid 2019) Noviembre Electrónico (Buenos Aires 2017) HarddiskMuseum (Barcelona, 2017) Electronic Timing. Colección BEEP (Valencia 2017) ArtPlay 1840s (TATE, UK, 2014) Metáforas de la supervivencia (Buenos Aires 2013) Festival VG Vídeo Guerrilla (Sao Paulo 2012) ((.mOv)) Videoarte en mOvimiento (Lima, 2012) FILE | Electronic Language International Festival (Sao Paulo 2011 // Rio de Janeiro 2006) Sónar. Festival Internacional de Música y Arte (Barcelona 2013 // 2010) Les Rencontres Internationales (Paris 2008 // Madrid 2008) Banquete. Nodes and Networks (ZKM – Karlsruhe 2009 // LaBoral-Gijón 2008) Sintopía(s) (Instituto Cervantes – New York 2008 // Beijing, 2007).
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