
i_mBODY Lab

Interactive Multisensory Body-centred Experiences
at the Intersection of Neuroscience & Technology


Next Seminar


portrait Daniel sanabria

Cognitive and neural adaptations related to physical exercise

Date: 3 February 2023 Speaker: Daniel Sanabria Lucena, Universidad de Granada Abstract:  This talk discusses evidence of the neural and cognitive functioning during physical exercise, together with an in-depth review of the alleged effects of regular exercise on cognitive performance in healthy individuals across the life span. In the first part

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marta matamala

Characterization of EEG neural markers in the sensorimotor cortex when using movement sonification for walking ability

Date: 25th January 2023Speaker: Marta Matamala-Gomez Abstract: Little is known about responses to periodic auditory stimuli with periodicities found in human rhythmic behavior (0.5-5 Hz). However, some studies show a tonic synchronization response in the delta range, taken at the Cz-electrode, with a maximum response at 2 Hz, when using periodic

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Susanna Spinsante portrair

Wearable-Based Measurement of Skin Conductance: Issues and Applications

Date: Jan 18, 2023  Speaker: Susanna Spinsante. Università Politecnica delle Marche Abstract: Starting from some background information about the physiology of skin conductance, and the information encoded in skin conductance signals, the talk will present the wearable devices currently available to acquire this signal, and the associate measurement issues. Finally, an

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It’s a Kind of Magic: Exploring Multisensorial Modulation of the Sense of Self through Bodily Movements and Action Observation in Depersonalisation

Date: 30th November 2022 Speaker: Angelia Caparco, Co-Embodied Self (CEL) Lab of the Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Lisbon, Portugal Abstract: In ordinary daily life, subjective experience is characterised by a cohesive sense of self, i.e. the subjective first-personal ‘I’ or ‘self’, bound to the body and distinct from the

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Understanding human affect through non-verbal cues

Date: 16th November 2022, Speaker: Prof. David Masip, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, AI-WELL laboratory. Abstract: Humans communicate our emotions using non-verbal language. One of the most studied affective computing informational cues is the analysis of facial expressions. Nevertheless, faces convey far more information than the 6 classical emotions defined in psychology.

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Location specificity of tactile aftereffects

Date: 2 Nov 2022 Speakers: Elena Azañón, Otto von Guericke University Abstract:  Adaptation aftereffects can reveal how the nervous system encodes sensory features. We have recently demonstrated that the distance between two tactile events is a property of somatosensation susceptible to adaptation. The reported aftereffects shared several characteristics with low-level visual

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portrait Kristi Kuusk and Dila Demir

Sensorial design: feel, move, interact!

Date: 5 Oct 2022  Speakers: Kristi Kuusk and Dila Demir  Abstract: Inspired from the design methods that embody movement-based thinking, we aim for designing with and for the multi-sensory experiences through the moving and the sensing body. We see sensorial design as a design approach that aims to design embodied interactions

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