We led a workshop titled Design interactive technology that changes how you feel about your body and activates you physically in XXII Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación de Madrid, organized by the Community of Madrid through the Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d.
This participatory workshop focuses on exploring and designing in groups sensory technology to promote physical activity. In the workshop, participants are invited to explore how certain sensations of some materials and technologies affect the perception of our body and invite us to move (to be physically active, for example). Designs made in our lab will be tested and we will reflect as a group on what works and what doesn’t for each of us when it comes to getting active and engaging in physical activity. In addition, we will co-design adaptations or even new designs using the materials and sensory technology.
Info and registration link: Diseña tecnología interactiva que cambie cómo te sientes con tu cuerpo y te active físicamente