
Laia Turmo Vidal was part of Dagstuhl Seminar 23292: SportsHCI, from July 16th to July 21st, 2023.

From the Seminar description:

This Dagstuhl Seminar builds on prior work that highlighted that supporting sport and exercise activities with technology should not only be concerned with functional aspects, such as measuring and comparing athletic performance, but also consider the experiential aspects, in other words, how sports people feel about their athletic performance. Therefore, the seminar brings together researchers and industry members who understand that successful sport and exercise activity-support technology needs to be designed with also this experiential perspective in mind, and seek to develop guidance on how to support it. This seminar invites experts from both industry and academia, including experts from sports science as well as HCI and design experts, to work towards identifying the grand challenges in SportsHCI so that a coherent approach can be developed in order to help more people profit from the benefits of sports and physical exercise.