
i_mBODY Lab

Interactive Multisensory Body-centred Experiences
at the Intersection of Neuroscience & Technology


What's new?

Participation in DIS2024

Laia Turmo Vidal and José Vega-Cebrián participated in DIS2024, the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2024 conference, which took place in ITU Copenhagen, Denmark,

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ELEMENT Days: symposium and workshop

The Hearing Body: Sound-driven Body Transformation Experiences Applications for Emotional and Physical Health was the keynote presented by Ana Tajadura-Jiménez in the ELEMENT Days symposium.

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2022 European Researchers’ Night

During the 2022 European Researcher’s Night in Madrid, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez participated in Teatro y ciencia: más allá del bienestar (Theater and Science: beyond well-being). This

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