
Sensorial design: feel, move, interact!

portrait Kristi Kuusk and Dila Demir

Date: 5 Oct 2022  Speakers: Kristi Kuusk and Dila Demir  Abstract: Inspired from the design methods that embody movement-based thinking, we aim for designing with and for the multi-sensory experiences through the moving and the sensing body. We see sensorial design as a design approach that aims to design embodied interactions considering humans as sensory beings which is the combination of the mind and the body. Thus, it is designing with/for/through the sensory body extending further from the classic five senses. Respectively, we work with wide array of senses i.e.,  proprioception, kinesthesia, audition, touch as well as the sense of touch. In doing so, we work with bodily awareness through multi-sensory interactive wearables. In this meeting we’ll look at sensorial design through design examples from textile and fashion that works with comforting as well as discomforting bodily interactions. Bios:  Kristi Kuusk is a Senior researcher at the Design Research Group in Estonian Academy of Arts. She is interested in finding alternative futures for clothing and textile design via implementation of technology. Her PhD thesis (Eindhoven University of Technology, 2016) focused on craft and sustainability qualities in smart textile services. Recently she combines that interest with aspects of sensorial design in the context of self-perception, children play, self and relational awareness. She has collaborated as a selected laureate in the EU projects ‘STARTS Residencies’ and ‘WORTH Partnership Project’. Arife Dila Demir is a doctoral student at the Estonian Academy of Arts and currently she is a visiting Ph.D. student at the Royal Institute of Technology KTH. In her doctoral project, she explores how may movement-based interactive textiles facilitate somaesthetic awareness of bodily discomforts such as chronic pain. She holds a BA in Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and Ma in Textile Design. Dila is involved in somatic practices i.e. yoga and dance improvisation. She interweaves somatic practices with her design research. Her topics of research interests are soma design, somaesthetics, kinesthetic interactions, interactive textiles, autoethnography, and first-person research methods.  If you are interested in giving a talk please write an email to: