
2022 European Researchers’ Night

During the 2022 European Researcher’s Night in Madrid, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez participated in Teatro y ciencia: más allá del bienestar (Theater and Science: beyond well-being). This event was a popular science show focused on various aspects related to our well-being, such as water, pollution caused by airplanes, the health of our cells and the impact of technology on the perception of our body. This event alternated theatrical scenes with talks by UC3M research staff on UC3M scientific projects funded by the European Research Council (ERC). The talk by Ana was titled Tecnologías para experiencias sensoriales de transformación del cuerpo y aplicaciones para la salud (Technologies for sensory-driven body-transformation experiences and health applications). You can find more information in the following links: UC3M | Teatro y ciencia: más allá del bienestar | La Noche Europea de los Investigadores en Madrid La Noche Europea de los Investigadores e Investigadoras de Madrid 2022 | Actividades dirigidas a centros de educación secundaria