European Researcher’s Night at i_mBody Lab – Noche de las Investigadoras e Investigadores
On Friday September 27th 2024, I_mBody Lab will host European Researcher’s Night at UC3M as part of the “Noche Europea de las Investigadoras e Investigadores de Madrid” event happening in Spain.
Body x Materials @ CHI: Exploring the intersections of body and materiality in a full-day workshop
We published a blog post on ACM Interactions about our Body x Materials workshop at CHI 2023: Body x Materials @ CHI: Exploring the intersections of body and materiality in a full-day workshop!
Semana de la Ciencia 2023: Muévete como un cíborg! Hackea tu cuerpo con tecnología sensorial vestible
¿Te gustaría probar y entender cómo se pueden diseñar nuevas tecnologías que cambien tu forma de moverte? ¿O que cambien la percepción de tu cuerpo
Semana de la Ciencia 2023: Fomentando la Creatividad y Diseño con Tecnología y Materiales Cotidianos
Taller impartido por José Manuel Vega Cebrián, Elena Márquez Segura, Ana Tajadura Jiménez, Joaquín Díaz Durán y Judith Ley Flores, investigadoras del Dpto. de Informática
Exploring Material Experiences Across Haptic Technologies
We co-organized the Exploring Material Experiences Across Haptic Technologies workshop at the IEEE WorldHaptics 2023 conference on July 10th, 2023. Haptic technologies have long sought
CHI’ 23 Workshop – Body x Materials
We are co-organizing the CHI’ 23 Workshop – Body x Materials, a workshop exploring the role of material-enabled body-based multisensory experiences.
C4DM-CogSci Workshop on Body-centred perspectives on human-human and human-machine interaction
Ana Tajadura-Jiménez presented The Hearing Body: Sound-driven Body Transformation Experiences Applications for Emotional and Physical Health in the C4DM-CogSci Workshop on Body-centred perspectives on human-human
Workshop: Embodied exploration and ideation of multisensory interaction with immersive data representations
We are holding a workshop to experience first hand and to explore how we can design multisensory interactions with immersive data representations in a different and innovative way, in particular, by using embodied design methods.