Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi
Postdoctoral Research Scientist at i_mBODY Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi (IEEE Senior Member and ELLIS Member) is a researcher with a PhD in AI. His research interests include Deep Learning, AI in Health, Affective Computing, and Unconventional Computing. After completing his postdoctoral fellowship at Universidad Oberta de Catalunya, he obtained an R3-level researcher certificate from AQU. He has contributed to various EU-funded projects as a senior machine learning scientist. Mohammad currently leads the data modelling work package of the BODYinTRANSIT ERC-funded project at Universitat Carlos III de Madrid. Additionally, he is a visiting researcher at the Unconventional Computing Laboratory (UWE, Bristol) and a member of the editorial board for the International Journal of Parallel, Emergent, and Distributed Systems.
Every seed that fell into the ground, did it not later grow? Should the seed of human be any different to you?
Mona Ashtari-Majlan, Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi, David Masip
Expert Systems with Applications
Behnam Ojaghi, Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi, Angelos Antonopoulos
The Journal of Supercomputing
Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi, Mona Ashtari-Majlan, Gereziher Adhane, David Masip
The Visual Computer
Laia Turmo Vidal, José Manuel Vega-Cebrián, Amar D’Adamo, Marte Roel Lesur, Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi, Joaquín Roberto Díaz Durán, and Ana Tajadura-Jiménez.
26th International Academic MindtrekConference (Mindtrek ’23)
Amar D’Adamo, Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi, Marte Roel, Joaquín R Díaz-Durán, Daniel de la Prida, Luis Antonio Azpicueta, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez
MLSP2023: IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing
Amar D’Adamo, Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi, Marte Roel, Joaquín R Díaz-Durán, Daniel de la Prida, Luis Antonio Azpicueta, Ángel Sánchez, Fernando Díaz de María, Aleksander Väljamäe, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez
IMRF2023: The International Multisensory Research Forum
Amar D’Adamo, Daniel De la Prida Caballero, Joaquín R. Díaz Durán, Luis Antonio Azpicueta-Ruiz, Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez
ICASSP 2023 – The International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing.
Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi, Temitayo Olugbade, Fernando Diaz-De-Maria, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing